Parisians Are Begging Instagram Bloggers To Stay Off This Street

Oh dear

Locals are begging for a respite from the hoards of Instagram enthusiasts, bloggers, and influencers lining the sidewalk of Paris’ famous pastel street: Rue Cremieux. 

Ask any Influencers worth their salt, an aesthetically pleasing background is integral to capturing the perfect #travelgram. It’s not hard to see why the Rue Cremieux – which is littered with colour pastel houses in shades pink, purple, blue and yellow – has become a beacon for snap-happy travelers. 

The street’s residents are so exasperated by the street’s popularity amongst Instagram influencers that they’re calling for Rue Crémieux to be closed to visitors during certain hours according to CityLab.

A particularly frustrated local confessed: “We sit down to eat and just outside we have people taking photos — rappers who take two hours to film a video right beneath the window, or bachelorette parties who scream for an hour.” Adding, “frankly it’s exhausting.” 

The hashtag #ruecremieux has garnered over 31,000 (public) Instagram posts, and there’s even an entire Instagram account, @clubcremieux, devoted to “shit people do [on] rue Crémieux.”

To that end, Parisians are proposing a gate be placed at either end of the street block out nonresidents when foot traffic and noise are at their peak, during evenings and weekends. 

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