This Is The Greatest Avocado News Since The Avocado Itself


It’s one of the greatest problems of our time. We’ve all been there. Standing in the kitchen, cutting into the avocado you just dropped $15 on, only to discover it’s brown.

But now an Australian company is coming to the rescue with an “avocado time machine” that slows down the browning process of the fruit – without all those pesky chemicals.

The industrial machine, which can process up to 4,000 pieces of the glorious fruit, switches off the enzyme responsible for turning them brown.

The process also eliminates disease-causing bugs, according to The Guardian.  

“By understanding the avocado’s lifecycle and the complex correlation of enzymes involved in the browning process, we have made it possible for the world to enjoy 100% natural, ready-to-eat avocado slices, dices, chunks or pulped products while retaining the flavour and fresh taste of avocado, without browning,” said Jeff Hastings, director of Naturo, the company that makes the machine, in a statement.

Sadly this technology is only available on an industrial scale at this stage, but at least it’s one step closer to us all enjoying eternal greenness…

In the meantime, this might help:

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