Jennifer Lawrence’s Trainer Shares 7 Tips For A Faster Metabolism

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There’s no denying that Jennifer Lawrence has one of the most enviable bodies in Hollywood.

But have you ever wondered how she got it? Or who is responsible? That person is David Kingsbury, who is renowned for being one of the top fitness trainers in the world. Adding to his already impressive resume, Kingsbury has worked with some of Hollywood’s most elite actors including Ryan Reynolds, Eva Green and Jake Gyllenhaal.

Below the diet and exercise secrets that help his A-lister clientele look and feel their best.

1. Stock Up On Protein 

You’ve heard the myth. If you increase your protein intake you’ll burn more calories and fat faster. While this may not be necessarily true, Kingsburgy credits the importance of protein in one’s diet and in increasing the metabolism. 

“Protein is very important for muscle maintenance during a fat-loss plan and keeping the levels high will ensure you keep hold of all that hard-earned muscle whilst you are losing body fat,” he explained to Healthista

Kingsbury suggest increasing your protein intake so that 40% of your calories per meal come from lean, nutrient-dense sources like chicken, smoked salmon, tempeh, and beans. Sounds simple enough. 

jennifer lawrence

2. Circuit Train Twice A Week 

Circuit training is a fast-paced form of physical activity which involves performing a series of strength training exercises with less than the normal amount of rest.

Kingsbury praises circuit training because “these exercises put a high demand on your body, depleting your energy stores and boosting fat burning after the session.” He has his famous clients circuit training for about half an hour, twice a week.

Whether you’re a pro athlete or a newcomer to physical activity, circuit training is an excellent way to challenge your body and infuse your fitness routine with excitement and intensity.  

3. Limit Your Carb Intake To Only 20% Of Each Meal

We all can’t resist carbs, whether it be a big bowl of pasta or a few slices of bread. Yet according to Kingsbury, no more than 20% of calories from each meal should come from carbohydrates.

“Keeping your carbs under control facilitates better fat loss. The tricky thing about carbs is that the higher your carb intake is, the more insulin your body will produce. And insulin is a hormone which boosts fat storage and stops the body from breaking down fatty acids.”

4. Do One Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) Session for 60 Minutes Per Week

As its name implies, low-intensity steady state (LISS) is any form of low-intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time. This is the opposite of (High-Intensity Interval Training), which rather focuses on quick bursts of cardio followed by a rest period.

Kingsbury says that LISS is great for fat burn as “it works by increasing your heart rate into a targeted fat-loss zone and keeps it there.” Strive to maintain your heart rate at 60% to 65% of your maximum heart rate throughout the one-hour workout.


5. Cut Back On Drinking 

We’re sure this isn’t something you want to read but reducing your alcohol consumption is pivotal when it comes to weight loss. 

Kingsbury credits two major reasons to think about next time you want to have a drink. His first is calories. “Alcohol supplies almost twice as many calories as equivalent amounts of protein and carbohydrates” explains Kingsbury.

His next reason is that, “Alcohol is an irritant to the lining of your stomach, gradually weakening your liver and kidneys. As the lining is weakened, so the food you eat is digested less efficiently.”

Alcohol can also lower testosterone levels. “These lower levels have a direct impact on the ability to both burn fat and contribute to lean muscle mass,” says Kingsbury. 

6. Each Meal Should Contain 40% Fat 

Kingsbury told Healthista that fat is essential to provide our bodies with the energy they need in order to function properly. 

“Fat is actually one of the secret weapons for effective fat loss because it provides energy with the lowest impact on your blood sugar and insulin levels,” he explains. 

7. Control Your Sweet Tooth 

You probably know that sugary foods aren’t the healthiest thing to resist especially when temptation surrounds you everywhere. However curbing your sweet tooth is vitally important as consuming too much sugar is often the reason that many weight loss diets fail. 

“Our brains don’t register sugary, fatty, heavily processed foods in the same way as other foods, and we don’t get the same ‘I’m full’ signals,” Kingsbury clarifies. And while natural forms of sugar found in fruit get the green light (of course, moderation is key), it’s added sugars which Kingsbury takes issue with.

“Eating excessive amounts of added sugar can have harmful effects on your metabolism, which can lead to insulin resistance, belly fat, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.”


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