Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: June 7th – June 14th

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

There’s much to deal with this year, Gemini – finances being the main issue.  If there’s any doubt about who owes what, clarify matters from the beginning. That way, you stand a better chance of extracting monies from overdue debtors. But avoid becoming so wrapped in your own success that you ignore others. Some of your nearest and dearest may be left sitting lonely or confused.  So gather up those you call your own and make this next year a team effort.  Besides, there’s safety in numbers – and greater earning potential. 


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 10th

Why can’t every week be this like this, with manna pouring from the heavens and your success ready to soar?  At the very least, others finally get to appreciate your efforts. With the cosmos also offering its financial stamp of approval, pitch your dream project to anyone willing to listen.  You may be surprised where that lucky break comes from. 


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day: Monday 11th

Silence might be golden but it can also lead to misunderstandings. You’ve been asked to maintain secrecy, and until now have kept good faith. After all, it’s in your nature to be unquestioningly loyal.  That is, until you run against a particularly petulant Pluto, who’s suddenly not so keen to play by the customary rules.  Stay silent.  


Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Tuesday 12th

Stand by for a catapult out of what has seemed a never-ending rut. Many Geminis are now asked to take risks and if you see this as welcome news, change will be embraced with a sense of adventure.  But for those who opt for a more familiar path, the ride might not sit so smoothly.  Sure a change of direction can be disruptive, but equally liberating. 


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 10th  

When you feel torn between two worlds, certain aspects of your life can lose out to other concerns. This is especially the case if you’ve been totally absorbed in an all-or-nothing career drive.  Realign your priorities and from here on, include partners in your decision-making.  Then find some loving company and relax. 


Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day: Wednesday 13th

Despite what your professional ambitions might be, life has a habit of occasionally turning priorities upside down.  There are times when you simply have to delegate at work, and then turn your interests towards having some fun.  And this week that’s exactly what you should do.  You can’t argue with such a hearty dose of planetary enthusiasm.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Saturday 9th

This week, most Virgos tackle negotiations forcefully and dynamically – happily, in your favour.  And now that you’ve finally decided to embark on that special journey – there’s no turning back. This is a time when one small catalyst could make all the difference. Impressed with your inspired outlook, someone in authority may offer a helping hand. 


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Thursday 14th

When Venus whispers tantalising temptations, you may opt to ignore this seductive call. Good call as this pleasure-seeking planet seems determined to be reckless. If stepping into a new relationship, you’d better set up a no-touch zone until you’re sure your prospective lover isn’t already committed.  Life’s messy enough at the moment. 

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day: Friday 8th

Life can have a serious edge to it, but this week injects some much needed sparkle. Whatever happens, the cosmos forces a slow down – which is probably welcome news.  Even if you can’t come to a complete standstill, try going with the flow.  As you cruise through each day, you may be pleasantly surprised at who’s stepping along beside you.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day: Monday 11th

It’s not a time for sitting on the fence. A hard ask, because at the moment it seems that every decision leads to yet another promising possibility. Stop procrastinating Sagittarius and choose your direction wisely. Some may feel the need for private retreat. For others, however, an entanglement from the past disrupts the present.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day:  Saturday 9th

Capricorns don’t like surprises, but you’re still subjected to the unexpected.  This week, even the best made plans may be turned upside down. You can either lose your cool, or yield with grace.  The latter seems more dignified. Nonetheless, the cosmos continues to have you on the hop, with far more disruption thrown into your usual routine. 


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Tuesday 12th

This week is a special reward time for you, as the cosmos ensures that you have no trouble satisfying desires.  You’re also in the mood to throw financial caution to the wind.  And so are loved ones.  Just as well cash looks plentiful – even if it is borrowed.  Just one warning:  you’re a tad more accident prone that usual.  


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Wednesday 13th

Use this week to rest and rejuvenate. Soon after, you’ll need energy in abundance when sensational love suddenly appears. Most can expect a powerful union of the physical and spiritual.  Alternatively, should you need more time to think, or shed unwanted clutter – allow yourself a well-deserved break.  Either way, change is likely.

By Tanya Obreza: www.tanyaobreza.com

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