Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: December 1 – December 7

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

Problems that previously seemed insurmountable find resolution. With mind and body working so fast, the planets supercharge your energies. Freedom and independence appeal, so there may be the temptation to break free.  Take advantage of the positive feeling that this year brings.  The non-essentials have been stripped away and you’re better able to judge your personal strengths and vulnerabilities. 


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Saturday 2nd

You’re a perfectionist.  But the standards that you set for yourself and others are often too high, so don’t be too hard on yourself this week.  Judge your efforts as well as your results.  What you really need is some validation.  The only problem is that you keep pushing everyone away.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day: Friday 1st

Intense emotions either strengthen relationships or bring about confrontation.  Perhaps it’s time to cast your line in different waters, either in your personal or professional waters.  The upside is that finances flow more freely.  A time for some comfort shopping, perhaps?  


Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Best Day:  Monday 4th

Sometimes we all need a little help and this week, that help is nearby. Don’t let your worries turn into self-fulfilling prophecies; turn them instead into the motivation that gets you moving forward again, and you will find friendship.  We can’t any of us make it through this world alone.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day: Tuesday 5th  

Networking could bring attractive offers. There’s much to be said for being in the right place at the right time. Mind you, it’s not always luck.  It’s often prior knowledge that gets you there, with valuable information often within whispering distance. Stay attentive.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:   Sunday 3rd

This week brings renovations and repairs, in relationships as much as anything else. While it’s easy to cite platitudes such as “forgive and forget” – it can be hard to actually apply them. Still, this is what must happen if everyone’s to move on happily.  Restore stability to your life.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Wednesday 6th

Virgos are fed up with being taken for granted.  So, what to do?  Depends on your outlook. Some shrug their shoulders and walk away from the sorry mess.  Others become agitated.  Just don’t do anything rash.  It’s a planetary muddle up there – so wait a while.  


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Monday 4th

Profits seem to be on the rise and we all know that luxury-loving Librans are happier when financially secure.  What’s more, you’re blessed with a knack for generating great deals.  For now, your instincts are right on the money.  Enjoy the extra cash.  


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day: Sunday 3rd

This week you perfect the art of holding sway over others – and looking blameless while doing so.  A fiesty cosmos turbocharges work and financial prospects, but the same persuasive powers work for you after-hours too.   Pull the romantic strings as you see fit. 

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Thursday 7th

You’re not your usual focused self this week, Sagittarius.  Stop procrastinating and start making definitive decisions.  Alluring job options or hot romantic prospects are there for the taking, but they’ll just vanish if you’re looking the other way.  Focus on the present.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day: Sunday 3rd

Collectively, Capricorns could hold the world together.  You can be counted on in demanding situations, usually giving one hundred percent but as individuals you really do need to rest on a regular basis.  Do the unthinkable this week – take some time out, and pamper.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 2nd

The cosmos asks Aquarians to slow down.  Try to gently coast through each day, and you may be pleasantly surprised at who’s cruising along beside you.  Life may be quieter this week, but in no way are you robbed of sexual magnetism.  You will be noticed – delightfully so.  


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day: Friday 1st

Pisceans often give others the benefit of the doubt, but you could now feel torn in different directions.  Take your time.  Don’t let yourself be bullied, bribed or manipulated.  Sure – a decision needs to be made, but at your own pace.  The answer will come when you’re ready, and only then.  Let them wait.  

By Tanya Obreza: www.tanyaobreza.com

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