Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! January 8th – January 14th

See what the stars have in store 💫
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
This new year is the perfect time for networking, updating image, or, if coupled, making a stronger commitment.  Who to thank?  Fiery Mars – who’s happy to fan romantic flames into a fiery inferno.  Singles, too, should strike while the iron is hot.  And while Capricorns often have a more pragmatic attitude towards relationships, early 2021 finds you feeling fiesty.   Money, however, will concern you.  Someone in your life could take a hard line on finances, so gather support and be ready to become more independent after the Sun moves into your financial sector after the 21st.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Friday 8th
Here’s a week when one detour leads to another.  If coupled, you might want more independence, but be sure to give your partner the same freedom.  Singles can expect love that’s short and sweet and for now, that’s the way you like it.   Should the planets argue for a career change, don’t ignore them.  Be grateful for any timely guidance.  

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 10th
Work keeps you busy though there may be temptations on offer.  You could be presented with a get-rich-quick scheme that seems too good to be true.  You’re right – it is.  If stepping into a new relationship,  set up a no-touch zone until you’re sure your prospective lover isn’t already committed.  Life’s messy enough as it is.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 13th
If you’ve taken to working on a hunch, your success rate now runs high.  Planetary trends lend their weight to your powers of intuition this week, enabling some instinctive decision making when it really matters.  As a bonus, financial gains look set to boost spending power.  Sometimes, Geminis do have all the fun!

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 8th
Decide everyday to pay attention to what life throws at you – you’re much braver than you realise.  Stay strong while any challenging moments this week.  Even the most difficult of dramas can be enlightening once through it.  So calm your fears, Cancer – then walk through the event.  Not around it, but through it.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Monday 11th
Leos love their freedom.  When the going gets really tough, there’s a tendency to abandon relationships – thinking you don’t need that person any more.  But this week the planets stir up confusion, so think carefully before doing anything drastic.  If you don’t, the heart you break now could turn out to be your own.  

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 10th
Most Virgos are over-achievers.  You’re over worked, over stressed and trying to balance work with play sometimes seems impossible.  But try you must.  You’re no good to anyone in a permanent state of exhaustion. So this week you need to slow it right down.  Then dissuade others from nudging you forward.  Choose your own gear and stay in it.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Thursday 14th
If given a second chance at ventures that previously didn’t go so well, figure out who’s best at what, and drum up a solid sense of teamwork – even if it has to be via the internet.  Should love or money come your way, accept with gratitude.  In the same spirit, give openly.  Best news: perhaps, a gentle stroll down memory lane.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Saturday 9th

If you have anything to announce to the world, do it now.  You’re in the mood to tell it like it is.   Insights come out of the blue, so give yourself permission to dream big.  At the same time, be sure to involve others.  Network your way towards success.  Just be sure to give everyone equal attention to avoid hurt feelings.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Friday 8th
 When reality doesn’t fit in with your expectations, you might feel tempted to blame others. One thing’s for sure, we all see things in different ways – and few of us have the power to read each other’s minds.  Spell your thoughts out more clearly next time; and if necessary – compromise.  Forgive, too.    

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Thursday 14th
Change is coming – so sharpen your intellect, and prepare.  By week’s end your ability to think differently allows you to develop brilliant new concepts. More to the point, you’re no longer prepared to be taken for granted and won’t hesitate in letting others know this.  For singles, a new love affair promises to be more than just a casual fling.  

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 9th
Your moods have wavered for some time now, but should resentment pay the Aquarian spirit a brief visit this week, it’s best given the cold shoulder.  You’re probably tapping into old hurts that run well back into younger years.  It’s time to let bygones be bygones.  Yesterday is history, and tomorrow’s a mystery – so concentrate on the here and now.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Wednesday 13th
This week seems keen to introduce someone of a similar persuasion.  What’s more, you needn’t go far – a soul mate or soul-friend may be very close by.  In money matters, though, you’ve probably less purchasing power than usual.  If debts are already toppling towards humiliation, settle for less spending.

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