Lucky Girl Syndrome Is The Viral TikTok Trend Reclaiming Power Through Manifestation

Luck be a lady tonight?

If you live and die by the power of manifestation—or any mantra that encourages the power of attraction—than you may consider yourself pretty lucky.

Or even someone who reaps the benefits of lucky girl syndrome, as over 187.5 million TikTokers have coined it.

The social media app is no stranger to niche micro-trends—this is the platform that hyper accelerated the fashion cycle, after all—but lucky girl syndrome is the contemporary iteration of manifestation that has users in a chokehold.

Despite the shiny new name, the crux of lucky girl syndrome is nothing new.

The belief that ‘attitude is everything’ and ‘think positive thoughts’ was more-likely-than-not touted by your mother after reading The Secret or finishing off a vision board, and it’s a pseudoscience that most people not only reside themselves to—but attribute for the things that go right in their lives.

Manifestation, visualisation, vision boarding and now lucky girl syndrome are all sides of the same coin, promising that you can attract anything you put your mind to through your will alone.

And it seems to work, with these lucky girls on TikTok crediting the ‘syndrome’ as the reason they’ve bought their dream home or found the last remaining lip gloss in store in their shade.

If you’re ready to attract more luck into your life and repeat the mantra great things are always happening to me’, keep reading below for everything to know about lucky girl syndrome.

Feeling lucky? That may just be the universe working in your favour.

What Is Lucky Girl Syndrome And Does It Actually Work?

Lucky girl syndrome is a viral TikTok trend the harnesses the power of manifestation to make you the luckiest version of yourself. Because of the luck you’ve convinced yourself you poses, lucky girls are promising you’ll be rewarded with good energy, fortune and success. Where do we sign up?

For anyone who has already tried manifesting—that is willing something into fruition through affirmative mantras—you’ll already understand the appeal of being a certified lucky girl.

Manifestation works on a cyclical foundation.

You put it out into the universe what you want, you work to attract that reality, the universe rewards you, and because you’ve affirmed what you want, you continue to manifest bigger and better things.

And when the only work you have to do is cement an incessant confidence in yourself, what’s the harm in trying, right?

Since the phrase ‘lucky girl syndrome’ has been coined by TikToker Laura Galebe, the power of manifestation has been reclaimed by Gen-Z and has embedded itself in the fabric of the cultural zeitgeist.

But according to Galebe, the real results come when you follow the lucky girl’s cardinal rule: be delusional!

“The secret is to assume and believe it before the concrete proof shows up,” explained Galebe in her viral video.

This new age school of thought doesn’t actually have any concrete evidence to back it up—on the contrary, the law of attraction has been categorically debunked as pseudoscience—but if you believe you’re attracting the reality you deserve then more power to you.

Just be prepare to repeat mystic mantras like “I am vibrating at the frequency” and “The universe is rigged in my favour”. Who knows, perhaps your luck just may change.

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