Zoe Foster-Blake’s fridge is dividing our office

For some it’s the fridge of dreams. For others? Not so much

There are two types of people in our office. There are those, like features editor at large Daniela, who love cooking and food and – even if they are home alone – will happily whip up dinner for one in the evening.

And then there are those, like me, who use their partner’s absence as an excuse to forget about cooking and eat…. Weetbix for dinner.

It’s not that I don’t love food – I do, trust me. It’s just that, after work, I’d rather be on the couch drinking pinot grigio than standing in the kitchen julienning cucumbers.

I admit that this might seem worryingly dissolute. But it comes down to priorities – everyone has a finite amount of time, and it’s all about how you want to spend it. After getting my toddler to bed, I’d rather relax by reading a book or watching TV than cooking. Even if that means eating avocado on toast for dinner or a microwaved meal. (My husband, incidentally, is the exact opposite – for him cooking is relaxing.)

And, hurrah, it seems like I’m not the only one! Yesterday Zoe Foster-Blake posted a picture of her fridge crammed with instant meals.

She wrote, “This is our fridge. Look! It’s a bloody TV ad fridge! Chockers with cheaty delivery meals because quite frankly, with such an interstatey husband this week, and a beastload of work, cooking can suck a doz.”

The beauty expert made a point of explaining that the post was not a sponsored post and said that her favourite fresh meal company was You Foodz.

“Sure, I feel like a loser watching the heroes on Masterchef get perfect scores as I eat food someone else prepared, but you gotta sneak some life-cheats in every now and then.”

I couldn’t agree more. You?

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