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Furious Mother Says Her 2-Year-Old’s Eyebrows Were Waxed At Daycare

She recounted the story in a viral Facebook post

Officials are investigating a mother’s claims that her toddler’s eyebrows were waxed at a Washington state daycare centre without her permission. 

The mother, 19-year-old Alyssa Salgado, recounted the horror story in a Facebook post that has been shared over 22 thousand times. 

Ms Salgado says she noticed a red mark between her 2-year-old daughter’s eyes when she picked her up from daycare. 

“I go pick up my daughter yesterday and saw a red mark in between her eye brows I think it’s a scratch but as soon as a get home I get a closer look these WOMEN decided to WAX MY DAUGHTERS uni brow,” she posted. 

“I birthed my daughter and love every little thing about her and these so called women took it upon themselves to correct the way my daughter should look.”

Ms Salgado says the centre refuted her claims and that the director “laugh[ed] in my face telling me a bunch of lies”.

Another woman, Glenda Maria Cruz, also took to Facebook with allegations that her son’s eyebrows had been waxed while he was at the daycare centre too, The Sun reports

“He’s just a baby. He can’t defend himself — he’s not even two yet — and I’m at a point right now that I feel like a bad mum because I can’t protect him when he needs me the most,” she wrote.

According to TIME, officials from the Boys & Girls Club and the Washington Department of Early Learning are investigating the allegations made by Ms Salgado.

“The Boys and Girls Club takes these allegation seriously and will work to support the investigation process,” the organisation said in a statement.

RELATED: This Woman Gave Birth On The Emergency Room Floor And A Photographer Captured The Entire Thing 

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