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Police Investigate Missing Jogger Sherri Papini’s Family History

They are trying to discover the motive behind her abduction.

Police are still struggling to piece together the bizarre events surrounding Sherri Papini’s disappearance, and are starting to look into her past and family history for clues. 

The Californian mother-of-two was discovered on Thanksgiving Day by a passing motorist and was bound with restraints. Police are now searching for her abductors, who Ms Papini reports are two women driving a dark-coloured SUV, believed to be armed with a handgun.

Los Angeles Times reports Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko told ABC News that police had not discovered any reason to disbelieve Ms Papini’s story, especially given the physical state she was discovered in.

RELATED: Terrifying Details Emerge Surrounding Sherri Papini’s Disappearance

“She was assaulted and had injuries, which she was treated for,” Sheriff Bosenko said.

However police are particularly baffled by the motive of her attackers. Currently, Basenko has informed the Associated Press that there is ‘sensitive information’ that cannot be released in relation to this, and that the investigation is still active.

ABC News in the US reports that detectives are currently looking into her past relationships, including her previous marriage and divorce, and through her computer records to shed more light on this.

According to News.com.au, her husband has been ruled out as a person of interest after passing a lie-detector test.

RELATED: Mother Of Two Who Went Missing While Jogging Has Been Found

Sherri Papini’s story caught the public’s attention as it followed a series of mysterious jogger murders in the US over the past few months.

Her husband had been appealing to the public for help, telling KRCTV: “Bring her home, bring her home, just bring her home. Bring her home safe there is a $50,000 reward just bring her home.”

“If she is listening I want to say, ‘We are trying, we are trying the best we can and I am sorry I’m not there,'” said husband Keith, crying. “I’m coming honey. I am trying, I’m doing everything I can and I love you.”

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