5 Reasons Your Period Might Be Late (That Aren’t Pregnancy)

Why aunt-flo is a no-show

If it’s not pregnancy, here are some other reasons why your cycle could be AWOL  


You’re SUPER stressed

Your body can shut down on systems and hormones that aren’t vital when you’re chronically stressed and ‘switch off’ your menstrual cycle. “Stress can include anything from poor diet, lifestyle, emotional health and being overworked,” says Nat Kringoudis, the founder of Women’s Health clinic, The Pagoda Tree,  Chinese medicine doctor and natural fertility expert. Helping your body cope with stress is vital: use breathing techniques, meditation or yoga and get the right nutrients.  


You’ve dieted/exercised way too hard

Low levels of reproductive hormones often go hand-in-hand with a severe weight loss. Why? Because your body thinks you’ve gone into famine mode and tries to protect you by turning off your fertility, says Kringoudis. “Who needs a baby when there is no food around to nourish it inside?” The good news is that this switch off is temporary – when you back off bit ovulation should kick back in.   


RELATED: 5 Things That Are Definitely *Not* Normal When It Comes To Your Period



Your thyroid

A faulty thyroid can affect your period’s length, frequency and the amount of bleeding. “An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can make your periods very light or infrequent. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can give you irregular and longer and heavier periods,” says Kringoudis.



Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects one in five women and there are various types. In one type, women have elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) and excess insulin which can disruption both ovulation and menstruation. “Get diagnosed via a blood test and ultrasound,” says Kringoudis.   


Primary ovarian insufficiency

Also know as premature ovarian failure, this is when a women’s ovaries stop working before the age of 40 and sufferers are very likely to have irregular or no periods, fertility issues and menopause-like symptoms. A study found that 7.4 percent of women experienced the condition.


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