Nick Cummins Shed’s More Light On The Bachelor Finale

"You’re not going to get your fairytale ending every time"

Former Bachelor Nick Cummins has said that the reason he didn’t want to choose a winner for his season’s finale, was because he knew he’d eventually have to break up with them down the track. 

While everyone was up in arms when The Honey Badger picked neither Brittany nor Sophie in last season’s The Bachelor finale, it turns out that it might have been a case of you got to be cruel to be kind. 

Yesterday arvo Nick Cummins appeared on ABC Radio National to discuss his a fairly level-headed approach as to what he felt was right for everyone involved and expressed dismay that people expected the end result to be ‘love’ every time.

“I was actually disappointed that people are so brainwashed, you’re not going to get your fairytale ending every time.”

Nick continued by going into more detail as to why he left the show single, “And what’s more important, me just saying ‘yes’ and going through the motions and dragging some girl through all this media about how we’re in love and then three months down the track after the contract’s over, um, we’re allowed to break up,”

“I’m not going to drag them through that rubbish and break her heart. Bugger that.”

It seems to us that The Honey Badger did the right thing by not putting Britt or Soph through a partially forced relationship. As for the insinuation from Cummins that the winning couple are obligated to stay together? A Channel 10 spokesperson has said that is absolutely not the case, “No way 10 would have a contract that says The Bachelor Australia couple has to stay together after the show finishes. Not a chance, it’s up to them.”

We’re going to hold on to the two Bachie wedding’s this year to remind ourselves that love isn’t dead. 

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