Venus Retrograde Is Here To Shake Up Your Love Life (And Bring Back Your Exes)

It’s all about to descend into chaos when it comes to matters of the heart.

We’ve all heard of the term ‘retrograde’ when the planets appear to move backwards on their paths and things get a little weirder as a result, but usually it’s a mercury retrograde we hear about. Now, we’re about to experience a retrograde of Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and it’s going to wreak havoc on our relationships.

But, before you panic, it’s not all bad to disrupt the status quo when it comes to your love life. This is a time for questioning, for some, a time to hunker down, and a time to grow where you need to.

You might find yourself asking, what is a Venus retrograde, how long will this one last, and how can you weather the consequences in the best way? We asked Nebula’s western astrologer, Iva Naskova, how we can best navigate this time.

What Is A Venus Retrograde? When Is The Next Venus Retrograde And When Does It End?

Trouble in paradise? It could be the retrograde. (Credit: Image: Pride And Prejudice)

According to Naskova, the planet Venus represents love, intimacy, beauty and harmony. It is the ruling planet of both Libra and Taurus. She says we look to Venus for insight into “our relationships, how we relate to others, our attraction, level of passion and intimate connections.”

“Therefore when this planet goes retrograde, once in 18 months, all love-related things are impacted by its backward movement. In 2023 Venus goes retrograde in Leo from July 22 to September 3,” she adds.

What Does Venus Retrograde Mean For Us?

When a Venus retrograde takes place, it’s important to have a look at where in the zodiac that is taking place. “The fact that Leo is a Fixed sign means you should look out for more resistance and stubborn energy between you and your partner. It is more likely to take your time and rethink, reevaluate, and reconsider many essential keys of your love life, including your choice of partner,” Naskova explains.

“Retrograde Venus in Leo can bring issues in love, return past relationship drama, and revaluations.”

It’s possible that for some this could take the form of relationship ghosts coming back to the forefront, maybe even an ex from the past coming back for round two. It might also mean that old issues that have been stirring for a while rear their ugly head once more.

There’s a natural self-assuredness in Leo that might also come out during this retrograde. Naskova says, “Venus in Leo also can make us feel more hungry for love, affection, and cravings. As a result, many Zodiac signs would be happy to try new things in the bedroom.”

Naskova wants us to be aware of how Venus is impacting our emotions while it is in retrograde, as it can cause difficulties in the way we manage and express them.

“This can lead to radical changes in both present and past relationships. However, with deep introspection and a calm approach, you can emerge from Venus retrograde with a better sense of balance.”

If We’re In A Relationship, How Should We Handle Venus Retrograde?

It won’t all be smooth sailing. (Credit: Image: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days)

“In this phase, it’s best to love selflessly and not expect anything in return. It’s important to let go of your past and mistakes to move towards a peaceful future,” says Naskova.

“Remember, you can find harmony in your life by reflecting deeply on love and the world around you. Moreover, allow your social, friendly, and romantic relationships to develop naturally without getting carried away by your emotions or adding pressure.”

She admits that when on a backward ‘retrograde’ trajectory, it’s easy for doubts and suspicion to cast a veil over what is going on.

“It is very likely for you to feel the effect of “cold feet” a bit stronger due to Retrograde Venus transit. It means there might be thoughts about whether this is the right person to be with,” she says.

Her advice? “Take a deep breath and, first and foremost, clear your mind. Overthinking can cause you to feel overwhelmed and unable to think straight and make the right decisions. Keep in mind that re-evaluation and putting the relationship under the microscope is very typical for Retrograde Venus. Therefore, avoid panicking and have more trust in yourself and in your partner. You have come so far for a reason.”

If you’re feeling emotional over the next few months, don’t bottle it up. For Naskova, this time is about intuition and letting the heart guide your relationships. “Show and release your feelings. In addition, unleash any past frustrations or failures to pave the way for emotional success and transformation of your relationship.”

If We’re Single, How Should We Handle Venus Retrograde?

If you’re not in a romantic relationship at the moment, that doesn’t mean the Venus retrograde won’t impact you too.

“For those who are single, it is the perfect moment to deal with loose ends from the past and gain closure,” says Naskova. “Yes, there are incredibly high chances for your ex to call, text, or bump into them, but perhaps that is exactly what you need to move forward from your heartbreak.”

“In addition, for those who still have feelings for an old flame, Retrograde Venus in Leo can make the perfect opportunity to rekindle the romance and renew the sparks between you.”

Of course, it’s important not to let the Venus retrograde energy dictate how this happens. Make sure that you have fully, rationally gone through all the pros and cons of getting back with an ex before you do so. As the old adage says, in most cases, they’re an ex for a reason.

Singles may also find a new ability to reflect during this retrograde, and an energy for change.

“Finish projects, organise your belongings, and let you artistic side shine,” says Naskova. “Additionally, try to spend more time with loved ones. Also, take a closer look at your finances during this phase. As Venus is in retrograde, it is recommended to refrain from making any purchases, investments, or commitments. Finally, this period is a good time to re-evaluate your relationship with money, as well as your personal and intimate relationships, inner and outer beauty, lifestyle, and comfort.”

Why Is Venus Retrograde Not Always A Bad Thing?

It’s not all doom and gloom. (Credit: Image: Normal People)

It’s easy to hear that a planet is in retrograde an immediately think that the universe is about to fall apart, but that may not be the case.

According to Naskova, Venus retrograde can be the push we need to take steps for our future.

“During its retrograde movement, the planet of love is most likely to cause disruption and breakups in relationships that were already damaged and headed that way,” she says. “But for those whose bond is strong and stable, this transit can significantly help you realize what you want from the relationship and how you can make improvements.”

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