
The Best Twitter Reactions To ‘The Bachelor’ Finale

One word: Wow.
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It’s here everybody! The Bachelor Australia finale is here for another year, and we couldn’t have predicted this one. Astrophysicist Matt Agnew was given the tough decision of choosing between Abbie Chatfield and Chelsie McLeod. 

Watch Below: Leaked Footage Hints Chelsie McLeod Is Engaged!

Things didn’t get off to a good start for Abbie, who had a showdown with Matt’s best friend Kate right off the bat. Kate, who had previously met Abbie during the series, admitted she was concerned of the bubbly blonde’s motives. She admitted to being “surprised” that Abbie had made it this far in the competitions, especially considering what Sogand had told her during the season. 

Chemical engineer Chelsie had a different experience meeting Matt’s nearest and dearest. Jason, one of Matt’s closest friends, takes the Chelsie for a chat where she admits to being concerned about Abbie, and Matt “breaking her heart”. All in all, though – their chat goes off well with Jason claiming he had yet to see a “Chelsie” enter Matt’s life. 

Then…the most exciting part of the entire season! Who walks out of the limo first always determines who wins the season, and this year it was Chelsie McLeod who walked out first – but not was all as it seemed. 

While audiences were left shocked (see below), Network Ten then showed Abbie walking out of the car toward Osher in a “prank” we weren’t ready for. 


“Abbie – you lift me with a smile. I’ve struggled with my emotions – and this is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. My heart belongs with someone else,” Matt tells her. “It devastates me to leave someone so incredible and…” 

After a moment of silence, Matt continues: “I’ve treasured every moment we’ve had, and you deserve everything…”

“Can you explain why?” Abbie asks. 

Matt says, “There’s nothing to explain other than my heart. There are feelings there, I’ve never said or felt anything that wasn’t there.” 

“I don’t know what to say,” Abbie says. “It’s absolutely heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking.” 

See below for Twitter’s best reactions to Abbie’s elimination. 


Now time for love! “You encapsulate everything I’m looking for in a woman,” Matt tells Chelsie. “Coming into this experience I promised I would throw caution to the wind and overcome my fear. My heart is fluttering and it could get broken into a thousand pieces, I feel the time is right to take the plunge and tell you how I feel – Chelsie, I love you.” 

“What, I thought you were dumping me,” Chelsie says, clearly shocked.

Matt continues, “It would be easy to say I love your passion for science, but there’s more – I love how you giggle when you’re nervous, I love that you go full nerd as soon as there’s some maths involved, above all else I just love how you make me feel – because when I’m with you I feel like I’m living in one.” 

Matt then gifts Chelsie a ring as a “memory” of the trip. 

Below, the best Twitter reactions. 


It’s here everybody! The Bachelor Australia finale is here for another year, and we couldn’t have predicted this one. Astrophysicist Matt Agnew was given the tough decision of choosing between Abbie Chatfield and Chelsie McLeod. 

Watch Below: Leaked Footage Hints Chelsie McLeod Is Engaged!

It’s here everybody! The Bachelor Australia finale is here for another year, and we couldn’t have predicted this one. Astrophysicist Matt Agnew was given the tough decision of choosing between Abbie Chatfield and Chelsie McLeod. 

Watch Below: Leaked Footage Hints Chelsie McLeod Is Engaged!

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