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‘The Bachelor’ Australia’s Third Episode Included Crying, ‘Girl Code’ And Well, More Crying

Emotions were at an all-time high

With the third episode of The Bachelor Australia behind us, our heads are still spinning. 

Tonight’s drama—sorry, episode—began right where we left off last week (sans ‘ranga-gate’, thankfully). Within in the first five minutes, intruder Kaitlyn Rose’s mere presence created more drama than if Locky quit the entire show, Charley confused her World Wars, and Areeba became the official drama instigator of the season. 

But it wasn’t until the rose ceremony where the real drama began. From Areeba, Juliette and Kristina’s ‘group date’ (including an awkward belly dance) to the simultaneous crying from every lady fearing elimination, Juliette’s secret note gave us a Bachelor In Paradise ‘girl/bro code’ throwback, but also set the ‘cool girl’ trope ablaze.

Who knew wearing no makeup and enjoying burritos was the way to win Locky’s heart?

Inevitably, likely-winner Bella committed the ultimate ‘betrayal’ by spending even more alone time with Locky, despite already scoring a rose, putting those without a rose-shaped lifeline in fear of elimination.

As always, the fantastic people of Twitter summed up our thoughts and feelings perfectly. Here are the best reactions to episode three of The Bachelor Australia:


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